CSR Event 2022

Let's awaken humanity for the deprived and disabled elements of our society!


                  No parent wants their child to become disabled or mentally challenged, but this is a game of fate. That is why we need to come forward and support Aadhar, which is working tirelessly to improve the lives of people who are often neglected by the society,” exclaims Mr. Jaideep Mohite, HR Manager, Vivo Electronics Pvt.
For the past 13 years, the school has been working tirelessly to support the marginalized section of our society, but unfortunately, they are not receiving any help or subsidy from the government and are working solely on their own expenses. In recognition of their efforts, Hisoa Electronics Company has stepped forward to provide cots, mattresses, physiotherapy materials, entertainment materials and food to school students.
This support is made possible through the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fund. Glad to see that this company is coming forward to help the needy. Shri Sagar Ghadge appreciates Sir’s efforts.

Jaideep Mohite, Human Resource Manager, Hisoa Electronics and many other colleagues were delighted to see so many people coming together to support this noble cause.

Let us all join hands and support Aadhar organization which works for the betterment of underprivileged and disabled sections of our society. We must ensure that no one is left behind and that everyone gets the basic necessities of life.

#AadhaarOrganization #DisabledCommunity #Humanity #SocialResponsibility #BettermentOfSociety

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